• Why do we allow ourselves to be so complacent in out lives?
    We move with the flow, to and fro, never questioning.
    We take what we're given and it never ends.
    Everything that we get in life and everything that happens after is taken in stride.

    Why do we never question?
    Why do we sit and do nothing?
    We let them take and take, never getting back and still we do nothing.
    I say No More
    How can they take out money, out things, our lives and out pride

    without ever giving back?
    How can we allow them to do what they want,
    what they seem fit to do, without consequence?
    Questions asked in silence, never to be heard
    and never to be answered.
    I say No More

    We let them take and take, never giving back. No More.
    We sit and do nothing while they take everything. No More
    We never question anything.
    No More.