• Hey Baby
    To bad you started
    A World War III
    But your just like Poison Ivy
    An itch my heart wont let go
    Probably I just might be Paranoid
    but What Did I Do To Your Heart
    for acting the the way you did with me?
    Now you left me out in the rain
    Knowing its really over
    and knowing that you wont hold me
    like you did Before The Storm
    I finally realized
    I'm Much Better without you
    So Don't Speak to me
    But I'll Keep It Real
    with you so dont go and
    Charge Me For The Crime
    This isn't what I wanted
    somehow you are to blame
    for this is a never ending
    racetrack we call life
    Now I'm ready to Turn Right
    To the one who always hoped
    to see me at the finish line
    Unlike you
    He's the only one who truly knew
    Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
    So he's willing to Fly With Me
    Right now just know
    that these Black Keys
    never looked so beautiful
    and sometimes a fight
    is better black and white