• obedience is blocked with a cork in the ear.
    quarrels though funny, ends with sudden tears.
    a baby food yet hard to swallow.
    it's always too late, is it not Mona Lisa

    do not talk when your mouth is full.
    sit still take a hankie, not your hand
    dont make noise, close your mouth, chew your food
    not the knife, nor the spoon, its the fork will you never learn?

    iam a teen not a kid, will she never stop.
    not a fool, not stupid. i know what is what!
    foot stomps, leave the room
    i wish this nonesense at halt.

    i never thought it was my last.
    my last dinner with Mona Lisa
    for a moment my wish is granted,l she stoped
    and forever she will be.

    its a dream, a nightmare, the wolf in my sleep
    this dining circle that reminds me of.
    its such a shame. i was bloated in boons
    yet the master plan and one of the goons

    obedience is a must, if not it chokes
    tears will stop through hanky or it flows
    its hard to close a mouth to smile
    nothing halts, its never too late.

    so long farewell and thank you.
    my smiling Mona Lisa