• SNOT...who came up with the word? They make it sound so nasty, but does not every person have it? When a person is sick, do they not produce it? Everyone has been sick and had to deal with it at some point in their lives. So why is snot so disgusting to talk about? Who even calls it snot? I've heard it called many different things...snot just sounds so...dirty.
    Reminds me of something a redneck would say, "SNOT my fault." hahaha, but seriously, why be so ashamed to talk about something that everyone has. SNOT like it's something grosss that only a rare 1 out of 100 people have. SNOT one of those STD's or diseases.
    I'm not saying go sneeze on people and act like it's no big deal, but if for example your teacher says, "Hey, let's do a freewrite on snot?" then why not? It's not like we have to see it or anything, just talk about it.

    Wonder if snot is in the dictionary??? Reminds me of just a name given to something...like it's real name is like Mucus or something...