• A great barrier of time and distance grows between us
    Tearing us apart
    Seperating us from the things we used to do

    I miss the lazy days of summer
    When you'd take me to the creek to fish
    Then we'd snag the biggest one ever but it would quickly slip away
    And we laughed

    Then I'd help you pick berries from the bushes in the yard
    Though we ate just as many as we picked we still had enough for jam
    You'd let me mash them up and you put them into decorated jars
    And then we smiled

    I miss the crisp,cool days of fall
    When I helped you rake up all the leaves into a big pile
    Then you'd toss me in and I'd drag you down alongside me
    And then we laughed

    Then the night of Halloween came quick
    We'd dress up and go house to house in search for sugary treats
    I'd catch you snacking and then you let me have one before I crept into bed
    And then we smiled

    I miss the frost-bittten days of winter
    When we'd slip and slide down the hill on our sled
    Only to have our faces powdered with freshly fallen snow
    And then we laughed

    In the evening we'd curl up together in front of the fire
    Each of us with a mug of cocoa topped with whipped cream and cinnamon
    I'd fall asleep in your warm embrace and you'd fall asleep beside me
    And then in my dreams,we laughed again and again

    I miss the joyful days of spring
    When we'd plant the garden with a variety of flowers that would soon sprout
    We made sure to put them deep enough and in soil that wasn't too damp
    Then sometimes you'd plant my favourite vegetables...but kept them secret
    And then we smiled

    And after it rained we'd put on our coats and rubber boots
    To jump around in the newly formed puddles
    We'd count the worms that wiggled out of their underground homes
    And then we laughed

    But now the smiles are fading and the laughter is growing silent
    Those days together are nothing but a fading memory
    And now as I lay in bed I silently pray that you return
    So that we spend more time together
    And then,at the thought of our many adventures
    I smile