UC Poika

    I stand and shout at the image you leave in my mind,
    I hate you for being untouchably real to my soul,
    Not real enough to wrap my arms about
    But shadow enough my hands pass right through you
    And I hunger to see you as one views game from a blind
    To touch your heart like a filly’s is by her foal
    And to handle you like you were not what I am without
    As if we could really love each other and that be true,
    But for now my mind screams that it’s unfair to us,
    Unfair to me... unfair to you... it’s unfair!
    You’re all I want! You’re perfectly fabulous!
    O my God why don’t You just this one time care?
    But alas, my love, I must love with my heart alone
    Never to fully rhyme... but eye-rhyming until I’m done!