• What’s your name?
    Who’s your friend?
    Where do you live?
    How old are you?
    What are your beliefs?
    Do you hang on the left?
    Are you revolutionary?
    How long you been?
    What groups are you apart of?
    What’s your stance of violence?
    What days the rally?
    Where’s it as?
    What time is that?
    How big is your group?
    Whose apart of it?
    Well they have been reading your mail
    Talking to your friends
    Calling you before the sun comes up
    Dropping by as soon as it goes down
    Searching your house every time you leave
    Searching your trash
    Somehow they got on your auto email everything list
    Well they guns, bullets, no rules, and no budget
    Things just haven’t been the same for you since they started calling your work
    It’s no coincidence that you feel like you’re under 24hour surveillance
    You are, these are FBI agents and their after you
    Their scared of you and want to bring you down
    So they call your parents getting your whole life story
    Mailing all your past schools and teachers
    Bugging your desk at work
    Recording all your conversations
    Reading everything you post any where
    Taking your finger prints
    Your friends are leaving Cuz the heat
    Your wife just can’t take strong men going through her s**t
    But you gotta stand strong
    And always organize
    Their scared of you
    That’s why they’re here
    So they slipped rat poison to your pets
    Slipped some s**t into your milk
    They’re watching you sleep
    Making sure they know what hours you sleep
    Watching you every ******** minuet in the unmarked truck down the street
    They moved in across the street, binoculars in the windows, cameras of the roof
    They got a wire in every room you got and one in your car
    Your briefcase has a new tiny camera
    Their writing down who comes to your house
    Paying close attention to names and dates
    Making sure they get every address you mention