• >>Stephen<<

    You’re nothing but scum that breathes
    You’re nothing but a gigantic baby that’s beginning to teethe.
    You have no compassion
    You have no emotion.
    You have nothing to give to me
    You are a pitiful piece of work, with a brain the size of a bitter pea.
    You smoke, you drink, and you’re a typical man
    But when you were a baby, did someone hit you with a frying pan?
    I let you in, to my heart
    But that was a mistake you see, because you tore it apart.
    You said you “love me” through the 2 years
    But all you did was abuse me, and drink beers.
    Sitting in the truck beside your arm
    Gave me chills, you though I was your good luck charm.
    Cigs that you smoked and bottles of beer
    I was afraid to be anywhere near.
    Nobody knew my pain, nobody knew the suffer I went through
    I still hate you with a passion for hitting me with that shoe.
    All that blood and all those tears
    Were because of you giving me tons of fears.
    While you placed your hands upon me, I would shiver
    Because the abuse would just come and deliver.
    You are just a horrid worthless life
    Living in this world pilfering off others with a pocket knife.
    You shouldn’t be alive
    Yet you live and somehow survive.
    Death awaited me when we were together
    But now, you’re killing another soul with a touch of a feather.
    You have neither love nor patients
    To have relations.
    Bring me down to you
    Where you hate the truth,
    and feel the pain
    Make my life the same...
    Can't see someone happy..
    While you're living in such misery
    Jealousy is sane
    Intolerance your name
    Take me down to your hell
    Bid my happiness and hopes farewell
    Wishes of the evil
    A pact with the devil
    No man sits atop
    When your life is a flop
    If you can't have it all
    Make everyone else you can fall
    Take away their hopes and dreams
    Show them what you really mean
    Destroy the lives of ones you said loved
    Make them know the bad they've done
    Prove your hate is strong
    For more they will always long
    This your knife you take to them
    Stab it in their souls, you win
    Justice is now at your hand
    Wisdom to you, such a man
    Bring them down to your level
    Sorrow feed them with a shovel
    Make them taste it well and long..
    Show them what is right and wrong...
    Take me down to your hell
    Bid my happiness and hopes farewell
    Victory to you
    You showed them truth
    No one shall love
    While you hate so much
    I felt bullied
    Now you are a bully
    And you do not even realize
    what you do in your disguise
    Blind to even yourself I think
    Because your heart is full of hate
    And you feel that's perfectly okay because it’s your fate..
    Walking down your only road
    Waiting to give the next blow
    Can't take what anyone has to give
    Fists of fury at your whim...
    Strike that blow
    No one will know
    Never a thought to your lovers heart
    Only a fight that makes it part...
    Some people can't find love
    No matter if they even want it so very much
    When in the sight of the other
    Life’s past begins to smoother
    Smoothers the thoughts
    Makes them distraught
    All they feel is the pain that remained
    They can't handle what might happen again
    So push love away they do
    They can't help it, it's true
    Someone gets broken hearted
    But it's not the one that departed
    For they had hate in their heart
    Choosing loves path too hard to star
    I wasted my precious time on you
    And you still want to do.
    He'll drop the act maybe someday
    And give someone the truth for a change
    Talk about a worthless life
    He's going to live in such strife
    Maybe he’ll give me that call
    And chant away and all
    But that's not my problem anymore
    Because I kicked him out the door
    Compulsive liars in my life
    Will only get a sincere goodbye
    He tried to talk his way back
    But he only got up and packed
    Though many I still will talk
    It's not how I'd like to walk my walk
    But there they are so it seems
    Just waiting to be even more mean
    Why do compulsive liars lie
    To be the sparkle in someone’s eye.
    My feelings for u have changed so much and so quick..
    It’s like I went from speaking English to Arabic!
    Their like an open cut on my heart..
    It hurts so badly, it feels like I’m been ripped apart!
    I would rather smell a F^$%#^& fart!
    They don’t lack!
    They ain’t cracked!
    They are solid and stacked in a state of hate!
    No turning around, you’ve caught my bait...
    Now it’s too late!
    My feeling towards u is endlessly irate!
    All I see is revenge..
    So much that it makes me cringe!
    But not revenge like a singe..
    Not even the binge
    Revenge like a burn,
    To make you learn how to learn right from wrong, (don’t make the wrong turn)....
    Love from lust...
    Truth from lies...
    But not to learn for me..
    Cause I’m cutting all f&$%^ties..
    I’m rolling out like a G!
    Its time for the other nice guys!
    What kind of man are you
    You insignificant jerk
    When I’m begging on my knees
    And all you do is smirk
    What kind of man are you
    If you just smack me up
    What kind of man are you
    When you make me change my clothes
    You tell me I look ugly
    And what you say always goes
    What kind of man are you
    When you torture me daily
    What kind of man are you
    When I always have to pay
    When you never hold open a door
    And yell at me when it doesn’t go your way
    What kind of man are you
    When you sleep it all away
    What kind of man are you
    When you wont let me be alone with a friend
    When you tell me she’s no good for me
    And you tell me it needs to end
    What kind of man are you
    When you spilt friends up
    What kind of man are you
    When you are threatening my life
    When you tell me you can hurt me
    And each night ends with strife
    What kind of man are you
    When you abuse the one you love
    What kind of man are you
    You aren’t a man at all
    You make me sick
    You pathetic, twisted soul
    What kind of man are you
    When you kill your love
    Ever f&^#$&*^ hate that time
    When he said he loved you
    But f^$%$@ it all up
    And told you to f^$% off.
    Ever told that guy
    That he was just a nothing?
    Ever told that guy
    That he was nothing but a low down
    Dirty little sleaze and all he deserved
    Way that lint in his pocket!
    Ever wonder why
    Men are nothing but pigs and only want sex and booze?
    Ever wonder why
    The f^%$%^ world turns sour
    When the people you fight with
    Ever wonder why
    Men believe they are always on top
    But in the end
    There always in the bend
    With their friend
    And never you.
    You always wanted things that
    I never could do a bend back
    You always wanted things from me
    But you could never see
    The loving things I did for you
    Your eyes were just too glued.
    You wouldn’t see
    Couldn’t breathe
    You didn’t live another day
    Without your buffet.
    What you did to me, I cannot forget.
    No, not yet.
    The pain caused by your ugly face
    Cause’s my nightmares with no grace.
    No compassion
    No emotion
    Nothing of the sort
    Because you gave me little support.
    You tore my skin
    Then gave a grin,
    Left me in blood
    You thought you were a stud.
    Get over yourself!
    You’re just a tool, go find oneself!
    You hillbilly smoke house
    You’ll never find a spouse!
    Your d^%&’s too small
    And you’re too fat to walk down the hall.
    Grow some brains
    Get rid of those chains
    Get a life
    Go TRY to find a wife
    Whatever you do, out there in this world
    Don’t try to be concerned
    About anything you did
    It’s all in the past, so let it go, you dumb jackass.