• A cut down the middle,
    the blade feels like ice,
    not quite fit as a fiddle,
    as blood flows from this choice.
    running down my fingers,
    a smile on my face,
    the smell of disaster lingers,
    waiting for pain's sweet embrace.
    my bed covered in cold sweat and blood,
    the dream of you comes to sight,
    your asking me what have i done,
    you sent me to perpetual night,
    sent me to hell,
    now ring the death bells

    its really not all that bad in hell,
    the screams that slit your heart,
    but at the tolling of the death bell,
    the skeletons rip you apart.
    You smiled down lightly,
    from the top of my musty grave,
    said "goodbye" politely,
    and now your on your way,
    to make another fall in love?
    oh, poor poor girl!
    i hope she hits you with a metal club,
    because your sweet, charming one liners now make me hurl.
    why cant you and i be?
    why cant you see, that you are hurting me.

    dont tell me that your just advoidant,
    dont give me that sweet smile of yours,
    now hear the devils chant,
    the sudden eyes that downpour,
    Your soft and gentle hand,
    a love that burned like fire,
    now watch the cemetary form a band,
    as they sing a song to you called "lier"
    few words that spoke the truth to me,
    all to capture my will,
    gurgle and churn like a restless sea,
    all beneath a fragile sail.
    you've destroyed me like the Pentecost....
    oh, why god...why cant i tell you to get lost?