• The Rose Within

    Inside everyone is a flower
    There’s no heart
    The seed is planted when you’re born
    Slowly it blossoms

    You don’t need food or water or soil for it to grow
    It feeds from the love that is sprinkled on it everyday
    From your friends and family
    From passion

    Your love feeds others as well
    Your seed knows your soul mate
    But you’re not allowed to know
    It’s your seeds secret to tell

    Day by day
    Night by night
    Your seed turns into a sprout
    Waiting patiently

    Your soul mate is watching
    Your seeds trying to connect
    They both know that they need each other
    They need each other to live

    Meeting that soul mate is like nothing you’ve ever felt before
    There’s this glow
    This light
    And of course some small spark of love

    That love grows as each day passes
    The more you’re away from each other the more your seeds need each other
    It’s like a drug

    You can’t stop what already happened
    You’re destined to be together
    Let it happen
    Let it grow

    I’ll love you forever
    Everyday that I shall live
    For my flower has blossomed
    My beautiful white rose

    For you, my love
    Always and forever