• The once comforting darkness seems to haunt me now; as I lie and wait. The shadows dance across the dimly lit room, catching my eye every now and again.
    Silent tears run down my face as the hours pass without warning. Bees buzz relentlessly around my brain, intensifying as the rising sun nears. When will the darkness truly take over?
    My eyes drift open once again, taking in the semi-visible ceiling. My head pounds in protest as I roll over; my tears dampening the pillow. The very same pillow that once seemed soft and fluffy now felt like lead beneath me.
    Silent sobs rack my body as I collapse into myself. How I long for it now, plead for the darkness. The world seems to collapse around me, compressing my very existence.
    I kick the blankets off as heat engulfs my body…Will it end? The stress of the day weighs on me, making me pay for suppressing my emotions.
    I’m not sure when it comes, but eventually the darkness consumes me. Tears forgotten and stress relieved at least, for tonight. Thankfully I welcome the dreamless sleep.