• Winter is coming
    Can't you see?
    We all celebrate by playing in the snow
    But there is a holiday
    And it is Christmas

    Oh how we hope it gets here
    For we have been waiting 12 months
    It snows outside for me to play
    I want to but u see I can not.
    Because I am sick

    I celebrate by wraping and making presents for my family
    My family brings a big present home for me
    The present was all covered in snow
    A while till it was midnight
    I rushed outside
    I felt the snow

    Soon I felt better
    I guess the power of Christmas gave me one of my wishes
    Next Moring,I open the big present.
    I see it's a laptop!
    I run to my family and give them a hug

    Next I give them their present
    It was a card that simply said:
    I love you and have a good Christmas
    They all said they loved me back
    For now on,Every Christmas
    I do something special
    For everyone to have
    It is: