• A voice in the crowd…
    No, not me.

    One sound in my multi-million member orchestra
    Some of you whisper…
    Some of you scream
    …Some have gone mute
    But you are all there

    Each one has made me myself
    For better or for worse
    I am me because of you

    An ever expanding web
    Some strands of love some strands of pain
    Many of misery and a few of disdain
    But all are important in my orchestra

    Those who scream are most powerful
    …For now anyway
    But you can’t shout forever
    I know that…

    …Those who whisper can no longer hurt me
    They are simply an eternal reminder of what I used to be
    It’s the least I can do
    To not be that girl anymore…

    Those of you have gone mute are distant memories
    A women who told me to watch out for traffic…
    …That girl who wouldn’t shut up on the plane ride home
    Or the boy who never smiled…

    All of you have made me who I am
    Each in your own unique way
    Yet none of you will see your influences through

    How many orchestras am I a member of?