• i use to be open
    and my heart was free
    i never held back
    with my love
    because i wanted to find
    that true love
    but now
    all my heart is
    is a fist
    somebody help me
    get out of this mess
    because i burning
    in pure misery
    and I'm in the spot light
    even though I'm burning
    every day my heart grows more cold
    you don't even notice me
    and I'm screaming your name
    i want to be sick of you
    i want to be done with you
    but i say
    hey you
    on the ground
    looking down
    I'm on my knees
    begging you to come back
    because my soul will eventually rise again
    but for now my heart
    grows colder and colder
    and is a fist drenched in blood
    so my life has been
    cut in to pieces
    i destroyed us
    just as bad as
    a paper man cutting himself
    into shreds
    with his own pair of scissors
    because I'm loosing my sight
    I'm loosing my mind
    and now I'm crazy
    I'm insane
    when i lost you
    i went searching to find another
    but there is nobody
    that even starts to compare to you
    so nothing is alright
    nothing is fine
    so don't try to tell me it is
    I'm crying
    and hiding under the face
    of a sad clown
    cut my life into pieces
    chances are
    I'll loose everybody
    that i care about
    because that's just who i am
    i;m running and I'm crying
    don't tell me anything is alright
    don't tell me I'll be fine
    you don't know me
    you just think you do
    so don't tell me