• I gaze upon stars as the lights fade.
    I seem to dream as my heart prayed.
    I climbed to the top, played the game.
    My ambition growing, like a flame.
    It spread to my soul, my heart and mind.
    Consumed my life, leading me blind.
    So I listened with my ears, my eyes closed shut.
    Suppressed the feelings, within my gut.
    I reached out my arms, feeling for love
    Fell to my knees, nothing proud of.
    I have given my life to please the world.
    So tired of trying, tired of failing.
    All I want is some clear sailing.
    But I am not dumb, I know what’s true.
    I must work hard, I must construe.
    So much I’ve given, know not what’s left
    Show me a sign, don’t leave me bereft.
    All I need is hope, proof of love.
    Let me be, who you think the world of.