• Ghosts on the pavement
    Loving me, embracing me
    Running, dancing, fleeing
    Haunting me, chasing me

    Smoke that billows when angels descend
    Smoke that rises when cities burn
    Shining light, reflect, technocolor

    Holy picture, God on earth
    Ripples, water on the surface
    Decemember wind, Decemeber hurt
    Frozen, dead, born again
    No one wins

    Ghosts on the pavement
    Darting. We play tag.

    Black smokes fills
    Lungs bleed
    White smoke covers
    Children freeze

    The game is over, whistle blown
    Howling wind, smoke in the snow

    Grace of Him, his breath, my blood
    Hard as ice, like hearts untouched



    Flow again

    Smoke in the snow, howling wind