• All I have heard from some,
    Is all that I have done,
    Some get close to me,
    But most cannot see,
    I am what I am,
    And not Another Sam,
    I am the old and wise,
    the one you most despise,
    For giving out my knowledge,
    to keep them from the edge,
    But i am also the young and ill-concern,
    that has plenty left to learn,
    I am the nerd in the back,
    I am the Athlete leading the pack,
    I am the jerk you see everyday,
    I am the kind-hearted with caring words to say,
    I am the brains of the operation,
    I am the brawn of the construction,
    I am the endless imagination,
    I am narrow-minded with no creation,
    I am the light of the Sun,
    I am the Dark side of the moon,
    I see all there is to see,
    I am as blind as a sundazed bat in a tree,
    I am as loud as a church bell,
    I am as silent as a broken decibell,
    I am as energitic as electricity,
    I am as calm as the sea,
    I rise like a balloon,
    I fall like a pine cone,
    I listen to all patiently,
    I keep to myself ignorantly,
    I am as warm as the Fireside,
    I am as cold as a snowslide,
    I am as soft as your lovers eyes,
    I am as hard as Death at your Demise,
    More is to be said,
    But my welcome here is far dead,
    So do you think you know who i am?
    Or do you think i am just Another Sam?