• Thump Thump

    My heart talks to me and tells me to leave
    But my brain tells me to stay

    Thump Thump

    My heart tells me who I love
    But my brain says that it doesn't exist.

    Thump Thump

    My heart sends butterflys through my body
    But my brain says its waves of nausia

    Thump Thump

    My heart tells me to ignore what they say about us
    But my brain says its wrong to like you

    Thump Thump

    My heart forgets to pump the blood so when it starts again it floods to my cheeks
    But my brain says I am just having hot flashes.

    Thump Thump

    My heart threatens to soar away from my body and I swear you can hear it escaping
    My brain tells me I'm being over dramatic and that I should take a deep breath and return to reality.

    Thump Thump

    My heart starts to fade away
    But my brain is loud and clear

    Thump Thump

    I grab for my heart and ignore my brain
    Your the one I want
    I don't care what they say
    Love can't be measured
    It can't be made

    Thump Thump

    Its a connection you feel in your heart
    To anothers heart.
    Two hearts become one
    Two brains forgotten
    One soul complete