• There was a point in time where I thoguht I couldn't live with out you
    Where I would have died for you
    I cried for you
    I even learned the same music as you

    There was a point in time where you broke my heart
    Where I felt a broken heart
    I lost the path of my heart
    I even ignored my heart

    There was a point in time where I felt helpless
    Where I felt lonley
    I couldn't breathe right
    I could live my life

    There was a point in time where I had gotten over you
    Where I didn't think about you
    I had fun
    I even felt like I was alive

    Now we are in the point of time where you have come back to me
    Where you are begging me
    Pleading me
    Even bribing me to rest my head against your chest

    I wont fall for your tricks
    I won't make the same mistakes
    I wont get hurt again
    I even wont talk to you as long as I live

    I am in the point of time where I just don't care for you
    I don't want you
    I don't need you
    I even think I can live with out you

    So why in this point in time is my heart crying
    Even escaping

    Why do I want you
    Need you
    Love you
    Even trust you?

    In this point in time I will always ask why
    Always think to hard
    ignore your calls
    Unti I get this under control.