• love.life.irony.
    by BlueFheiry

    love is more than a feeling.
    life is more than existence.
    irony is more than humor.

    love is not blind. it is not even sick.
    life is not the opposite of death. it is not even an opposite of anything.
    irony is not a contradiction. it does not even contradict.

    love is eternal. you can go on forever seeking for it.
    life is eternal. it never actually stops, nor does it ends.
    irony is eternal. it seeps into every corner of time.

    love is a poison. it pierces the soul deeply; then, wrecks the heart.
    life is a curse. it accompanies with it, troubles; and along it, comes death.
    irony is a spell. it fascinates for one moment; the next second, it breaks.

    love inspires. like a strange source of unknown zeal and unexpected might.
    life nurtures. like a little growing seedling turning to one great tree.
    irony transcends. like a light stabbing the darkness, a warmth in coldness.

    love creates a smile. a smile beyond just mere feeling.
    life creates a smile. a smile beyond just mere existence.
    irony creates a smile. a smile beyond just mere contradiction.

    love empowers. beyond any nature and wonder.
    life empowers. beyond human strength and breath.
    irony empowers. beyond derision and disparity.

    love fights. it never gives up. always enduring.
    life conquers. it never ends. always moving.
    irony prevails. it never satisfies. always puzzling.

    love makes you humble. makes you selfless.
    life makes you strong. makes you fearless.
    irony makes you wise. makes you spotless.

    love is about life.
    life is about irony.
    irony is about love.

    it goes in this cycle.
    love. life. irony.
    it goes the other way around.

    love is about irony.
    irony is about life.
    life is about love.

    when it comes down to it,
    every word is all the same.
    love. life. irony.

    yet it is
    beyond just word.
    beyond just that.

    love means to love.
    life mean to live.
    irony means to laugh.

    cherish love.
    cherish life.
    cherish irony.

    for it's all what we all experience.
    love. life. irony.
    three all at once.