• How did I get these memories?
    This girl is a stranger to me
    And yet I see what happened to her
    I see her cry and plea

    This girl was murdered by a stranger
    Her aura covered with fear
    She screamed until her remaining breath
    And her final tear

    I hate to watch what happened to her
    But I cannot make it stop
    I know she is dead, that is for sure
    In my memory I see her drop

    And now her thoughts lead me here
    To a place that's cold and damp
    I look closer, and it is the morgue
    Lit by a single lamp

    The bodies are all lain out
    Each one has been uncovered
    She forces me to look at them
    Not one is undiscovered

    I look with horror at the bodies
    Every one has a story to tell
    I try not to listen to the silence of the room
    I force myself not to yell

    This girl has brought me here for a reason
    I know this for a fact
    I gaze at each lifeless body
    At the walls, all torn and cracked

    I start to leave this horrid place
    But something catches my eye
    One single door has yet to be opened
    She says look, and to not cry

    I slowly walk to the secret door
    My fear growing still
    The girl tells me not to be afraid
    Her wishes I am to fulfill

    I grab the handle and pull it open
    I look at the girl, not wanting to flee
    I understand why she brought me here
    For that dead little girl is me