• walk down the street and tell me what you see
    theres no one here just you and me
    if curiousity and anxiety is the only reason you listen to me
    then why would it be
    when the sky isn't where its suposed to be
    and it is I who is under the tree
    that I have to lie so you dont leave me?
    it isnt fair
    your perfect hair
    and your eyes are so... are so beatiful
    but so pitiful
    to know literal
    that life isnt tht pot of gold
    thats so hot to hold
    but filled with loneliness and hate
    with cruelness and debate
    that leaving everything behind wont make it better.
    but to be adressed
    not by the way you dress
    but the way you guess
    about your friends
    and about those tests
    that tends
    to get less
    that puts you deeper into
    this mess.
    the more you think about it the less clearer it gets
    your parents try to help you but they dont help at all
    every time they yell
    at you
    when they bring hell
    on you
    for not doing anything at all
    its like walking down the hall
    at school or the mall
    like you think you know people
    but you really dont
    and its an uncomfortable type feeling
    that we hate to feel
    but we feel
    because we cant heal
    though the days
    go by and you think that you're useless
    but looking up to the sky confuses us.
    and decide that we dont need to be with friends to have a good time
    but later that same day we cry and whine
    and do the things that are not needed
    and those who have bleeded
    and for the insane like myself
    that loneliness becomes your bestfriend
    and ending your life is only second hand
    but the feeling of cutting yourself is alright with me
    after all you're not the one sitting under the lonely tree.