• What is love?
    Its that feeling of butterfly exploding in your gut
    Its when you know if you fall they will be there to catch you
    Its when the world turns its back, you know they will be standing there beside you
    Arms open wide, telling you everything will be
    Its when you can't help but smile when seeing them
    Its knowing that you can sleep at night
    Knowing that they are yours
    And no one else can have them
    Its wondering what you did to get them
    And realizing that they love you for you
    Its when your life turns upside down
    And you don't want to let them go
    For fear if you do then
    You will fall off the face of the
    Love is when you try to describe it
    You become tongue tied
    And smile because you
    That you can't put love into words
    And if you tried
    It would come out as a corny poem
    And not even come close to the way you
    About that person
    Love is something only
    People can share and be completely
    Knowing that you have the best
    That is what LOVE is.