• I can't see it,
    can't hear it in my mind,
    I've gone completely and totally blank,
    I can't think of anything to write,
    I don't know why,
    I don't see why I care,
    but I want to write,
    if not only for you
    I don't know why
    but I feel the need to write for you agian
    I don't get why
    I don't get how
    but I feel the need
    the need to write for you
    but I can't
    my mind has gone blank
    the words arn't just coming to me
    not like they usually do
    I don't know why
    I don't get why
    but something tells me
    you and only you
    but I don't know why
    you don't care
    you don't love me
    but I can't sleep
    I can't sleep
    not until I write for you
    not until you are happy with me
    I feel selfish to want this from you
    but I do
    I want you to be happy with me
    I don't need you to love me
    just to hear me
    but the words
    I can't hear them
    the pictures
    I can't see them
    I want to know why
    why I can't write for you
    you the only one I can sing with
    you the only one I can play guitar with
    you the only one I'll bring to Wendys
    you the only one I call, My Best Friend
    but the words, theywon't come to aid me
    but I need to write for you
    but I can't write for you
    the words won't come
    they won't come for me
    not anymore
    and I don't know why
    I just don't know why...