• There was never any time to think twice
    never any cause to ask why
    and all the thoughts that crept into her head
    were never easily pushed off to the side

    It never really felt like it was right
    but it never exactly felt like it was wrong
    there was nothing in her whole miserable life
    that confused her more than feeling anything at all

    If she laid her head down in her hands
    sometimes she could feel whole
    but the feeling was a front that couldn't last
    a curtain that was waiting to be pulled

    The dirt that covered her soul was endless
    no matter how hard she scrubbed it still remained
    and all the thoughts that were so tempting
    beckoned her to get into the tub

    She scrubbed at her invisible imperfections
    hoping that she could bleed them clean
    but for each layer that she scrubbed away
    another one was waiting to be seen

    So she scrubbed harder hoping to find comfort
    hoping that this pain would numb the rest
    begging all her thoughts to go away
    breaking skin so as not to feel the pain

    But there's only ever so much blood in us
    and soon her head lulled into the tub
    and thus she drowned in all her imperfections
    her muscles contracting still to scrub
