• Drip drip drip,
    I open my eyes, cold clear water is hitting my forehead. Where am I? I look around this dark, depressing place.
    Standing up I grab a flashlight that is next to me.
    As the brilliant bright light flickers on I see a person. “Hello” I call out barely holding back how nervous I am… no response.
    “Hello” I call again approaching the person.
    As I move my hand slowly towards the body my hand is shaking.
    When I touch the body there is nothing. The warm body I was hoping for is gone, nothing but dark dust.
    I scream desperately dusting the remains off my hand trying, to rid myself of the sickening smell.
    I hear a moan.
    I turn, nothing.
    I think to myself my mind must be trying to mess with me.
    Again I hear the mysterious moan.
    I turn then I hear the same voice say, “Help me.” It sounds like a friend of mine.
    “ I’M COMING!” I scream running towards the source of the sound.
    HURRY my friend calls back.
    I make it to the room and trip over something, confused I look at what I hit. It seems like a tail of a lizard.
    I hear a shriek and an inhuman sound.
    I quickly shine my light at the source and I see an ungodly creature bite my friends head off in one clean bite.
    I cover my mouth with my hand.
    I can barely hold back a scream, as the bright blood flies out of the stump that was my friends head.
    I can’t hold my lunch down then, the creature turns to me and stares at me with blank white eyes.
    It starts to charge its footsteps sound like elephants on fire.
    Then everything goes black.
    Am I dead?
    Then I hear something I can’t put my finger on.
    Then I wake up the noise was my alarm clock.
    It was all a dream, a dark disturbing dream.
    I look for my parents.
    “ MOM?”
    No response.
    Still no response. I head to the kitchen no one’s there no food, nothing.
    I head into the basement and I see the door to our fallout shelter closed I try to open it.
    It’s locked.
    I hear a sharp siren.
    I start to panic and start to pound on the door.
    Then the white light washes over me and then the burning.
    Everything goes black.