• I had it once..
    This presence..
    Nothing I could touch nothing i could see, nor taste..
    But it was there and with every passing day it was more obvious..
    The elaboration of such a concept is near impossible to comprehend ..
    But the understanding of its emense power was clear..
    This presence can turn a boy to a man, or inspire the most heroic of feats..
    However its edges are sharp and it refuses to be handled with anything but the utmost care and respect...
    For if you are not wise with its gifts..
    It shall turn on you...
    I wish i had known that then..
    These days I am lost, cold , and fragmented..
    How could four simple letters alter my very existence with such force..
    With every attempt to return to its good graces I fall further from logic..
    My dependence on it pulls me from the reality's of life..
    But i am unable to shake my addiction to its power..
    For without it..
    I will surely die.