• Puzzled in this supposed sad moment
    I feel happy but everyone around is sad
    Gazing around I see the shoulders bent
    Mournful they glare at me, now mad

    Stand up I do to escape the disapproving glances
    Roaming around the zone in solace
    Whistling a slow small tune to the empty branches
    Their strong limbs held high in modest

    No song birds to sing my song back to me
    I just brush off that fact and continue my way
    Kicking a null brown pile of leaves in glee
    They fly up around in to dance and play

    Cocking my head to the side I shrug and move on
    I look around at my strange surroundings
    Finally noticing I was lost places I knew gone
    The sun was high in the sky and blinding

    A quick flash and then there was nothing
    All went black and I can’t see
    Rubbing my eyes I open them to see something
    I cannot tell what it is for my sight is burry

    As my eyesight got clearer I started to see
    What it was it was a small child in a field
    It turned around and looked strait at me
    Calling to me I walked forward not to yield

    I picked up the child to look at what it was
    I saw its eyes and all disappeared and was lost