• a king they proclaimed him to be
    he was always just a flower to me.
    into the night e pulled me fast.
    the things we did he said leave in the past.
    i learned to trust and follow him.
    even when my moarls became all to dim.
    his touch became my dare
    while his voice spoke with only dare.
    i lived to please and keep him mine.
    in the end it was only a matter of time.
    i did the things he asked of me.
    i became my own worst enemy.
    the thoughts of my actions kept me awake in the night.
    my dreams would go to him in flight.
    when i woke he was on my mind.
    when together he was always kind.
    then i learned a lesson that crushed my dream.
    nothing is ever what it sems.
    he had me wrapped in his wings tight.
    i couldn't see a single reason to fight.
    then the horizon broke way for the sun.
    and i realized he was never close to the one.
    tears will never fall
    i'll keep my head held tall.