• You Don't Do It

    Because you believe, no YOU KNOW. That there is someone out there. That there are options you have now to change the situation. That that someone out there is going to be BETTER than her or him. Its heard to believe but its true. Thats why you don't do It. As you sit there with your hand shaking. Wishing you can find that someone now. But no its not the right time. You have to wait, thats life. And YOU KNOW that all you need to do is to just get through this part. To calm down, think, and plan your next move. What ever you do, think. Take it one step at a time. Breath and enjoy the life. Just get through this part. You wont be alone. At least not for long. YOU KNOW you have to wait. For just for this part. For that someone to come. To cheer up your life. You'll make it through each day. Thinking one step at a time. Knowing that one day they WILL come.
    -The Mind of Jan Swiatek