• Thought

    How is it that, with everyone else,
    I think before I speak--
    I am so serious and tactful with them,

    and yet, with her,
    I feel as carefree as ever?

    Like I could say anything,
    except those most simple and basic expressions of my feelings for her?
    What keeps me from saying anything serious?

    Why can't I say that which I want to say,
    .....nay, what I NEED to say,
    .......... that which is practically bursting from me,

    especially when I know she probably feels the same way,
    even if it's just a little bit?

    And then the second I might have said it,
    My foolish, wicked thoughts betrayed me,
    and steered the conversation astray...

    I'm such an idiot!


    Maybe I'm reading too much into this;
    She couldn't feel the same way as I!
    Who would, about me?
    I just need to sleep, that's it!
    or maybe if I could just hear her voice again....

    Oh God, I'm a wreck when I think too much!