• Walking past a broken brook
    And the memories flood in fast

    About my dreams of sanity
    That crumbled in the past

    They show they cannot treat me
    My sickness is myself

    My pride, my hope, my very soul
    Is shoved up on the shelf

    Forget the consultation
    There's nothing left to lose

    After all it's boiled to
    My life is just a muse

    I can't show why I've done that thing
    Just get me out of here

    I'll answer all your questions
    Once my own mind settles clear

    Pushing past the fog and muck
    I'm lost beyond all hope

    Raise your glass, it's all I've got
    I'm heading off to tope

    So settled down, the dust is clear
    I settle in the ash

    I'm buried alive under soot and smoke
    That can cover up my past