• I've been working hard just to get where I'm at today day it's weird how life can make take you astray from your ways of getting to place you're waiting on to come to you one day, and I've been idle for a few that never found the kid who already had the view stuck in his mind deep inside I couldn't figure out why I wrote lines if the art that was created never became alive but in reality things never get glorified I'm horrified that my image is mortified, I want magic some sort of power to cast over what I lack and rid me of disorder and chaos can't prevail without an apple but I give food for thought religiously like a chapel so I'm blessed like a missionary on a journey to save minds and new ones to give respect to my lines, unless it's a lie cause my dreams are just imagery I depict translucently to me so do I have to make it clearer or do I have to show my portrait through a mirror for people to see what I am but what I want to become is presently future tense so if I threw this in your mind would it all make sense I guess I obey to the laws of this world been arrested a few times I had to do crime I had to do justice just a few times just so your eyes can roll and behold to someone you never knew now tell me am I fake or am I true does reality through my eyes look real to you...