• Wretched keeper of the crypt, I solemnly swear to make you pay, but my sorrow aggravates me day by day. I lost her, I lost her, but one day I’ll say I found her so near but so far. Burning ropes a flame keep me tied down to this dry old earth not much left to say, but each hour passes enough for me to take in anguish I lay stone cold and frozen afraid. Oh who says the day when I might one day see the light shown so bright will melt my cold away. To believe in sanctuary a place beyond a place when one day I’ll awake. I see you, I hear you, but your not there.
    For comfort, pleasure, and an unwounded heart I still wonder If your there, walking with me, watching over me, and showing me which way to go. I guess you are, but then again your not. What is the voice I hear reminding me that its okay, you’ll be okay, I promise you’ll figure it out, Its nearing a year and my tears wont stop for you my friend and I don’t think they ever will.