• Running so far ahead
    Means no time is left
    To glance back home

    I will always have regrets
    Words never said aloud
    Things held back with hesitance

    But my future is my own
    I can choose the words I mutter
    And I will follow through with desires

    I won't have a chance later
    To glance back at you
    At them my home my childhood

    Things always change
    And not everything works out
    But good things will happen

    My future begins so far away
    From home from love from warmth
    It steals the memories I was supposed to make

    One day I won't remember yesterday
    And maybe then I'll be thinking of other things
    Knowing so maybe now I can think of later

    I will grow old someday
    And I will say goodbye so many more times
    But with each goodbye I know there will be a new hello

    Everything changes with time
    Sundays and Christmas and School and Love
    And hearts will only ever harden

    We can never forget
    But the sun always keeps rising
    And I would never want to stop a new day

    Scribbling on paper for a heartfelt note
    That I will never bring myself to send
    Will be left to float on the winds of the past

    Words and lies and kisses
    Mistakes and treasures and apologies
    Repeat all over and over and over again never stopping

    Each new tear will bring a smile
    When all we can remember swearing is
    "I will never change"

    A new beginning for every new end
    Goodbye may be forever when I'm not coming back
    And another lie and another lie and I can never not change.