• I'm strolling towards the stairs,
    The stairs to the hallway,
    The hallway to my house.

    I go up the long winding steps,
    The green door just in reach,
    But I skip the hallway entrance for higher ground.

    I'm going higher now.
    Ascending away from home.
    The same things look different.

    A wet fog engulfs the world below,
    It grasps the far-away trees with its white hands.
    The clusters of dancing lights from cities disappear.

    I couldn't find the morning sky.
    The gentle sky above me was gone,
    Hidden by the massive body of fog.

    I stop at the end of the stair case.
    To go further would be trespassing.
    I'm not allowed on the roof.

    The railing's slick and wet.
    It was so cold-with only my black jacket hugging me for warmth.
    I look below me-

    Purple flowers nestled in bushes.
    Beautiful, like crystalline grape clusters
    And welcoming like a hand shake.

    Lime green spades of leaves.
    They open themselves to the fog, like umbrellas.
    They're almost like spinning stars.

    I look in front of me.
    A large tree
    With limbs made for climbing,
    A trunk to be clawed at,
    Green bristles bursting from its branches,
    And, little pine cone bells, hanging and ringing.

    This little world of mine
    Was outside my door.
    It was always there.
    It never aged and stayed grand.
    And I have only noticed it today.

    I descend from the stairs.
    Everything looks much larger now
    Except for the stair steps.
    Even the tree grew larger in size.
    The fog glides towards me, sending little parcels of droplets to my face.
    It was one foot after the next.
    My foot steps seemed louder in the fog.
    My arms swung like a pendulum and stopped as I stopped.
    Arrivial at the first floor; departure from my little world.

    The sturdy door opened before me,
    I entered in,
    And looked back at the little world of mine,
    That I wished to venture again.
    And guess what?
    It was there.
    And tomorrow.
    And today.