• You say you're fine,
    But behind your eyes,
    So pale and light blue,
    Are concealed agony.
    I see the sadness you hide.
    Behind smiles and loud laughter.
    And all I can do is smile too.
    Because I can't help you..

    You say you're fine,
    But behind your teeth,
    So white and pearly,
    Are words of pain.
    I hear the sadness you cover.
    Behind jokes and happy times
    And all I can do is listen too.
    Because I can't help you..

    You say you're fine,
    But behind your personality,
    So tough and strong,
    Are the fears of a little girl.
    I can see the anxiety you control
    Behind smirks and rude remarks
    And all I can so is watch you.
    Because I can't help you..