• The broken glass the cool print of broken space that leaves the room an off zone of no where to walk just little spaces to stand and if u choose to expose ur skin to a pointy uncleaned piece of glass then the blood shed is yours the pity is yours the time to heal is yours but the glass which tore threw ur yet warm glove of protection tht has began to weep with red tears though u weep with clear tears u cry because of ur skins hurts your skins pain ur skins loss but not because u are hurtting for the skin u are hurting with the skin yet the skin had no action to recall the glass that tore threw it the skin was just there to protect the tears it weeped yet u tore it with ur selfishness and not only weep for the pain u feel but weep for the skin u shed pain to and your self the yet unfinished tears you weep is not ur fault because the skin is nothing the only thing your hurting is your self and the glass isn't yours either the glass belongs to the skin that has been torn by it if u think that the skin is just there the glass is just there pain has always been there and always will