• Truth lies in the clock
    As all time seems to stop.
    Frozen by lack of knowing,
    Provoked by true ties showing.

    Seconds descend the broken stair
    Aloft by strangers who seem not to care.
    Life hangs in limbo for time being;
    Illuminates a truth well worth seeing.

    Severed family ties are born anew.
    A realization that was long overdue
    Is born from the need of each other
    Bonding together to support another.

    When death looms directly overhead
    We bond together so doom isn't fed.
    A battle fought against fates tides
    Where morale is constantly shifting sides.

    One minutes with us, the next it's gone.
    Ongoing struggle from dusk to dawn.
    Fate's hand is rarely pushed away.
    It's effects, I know, are here to stay.

    Unfair advantages death does hold.
    It's bony grasp so gravely cold
    Laid down in most unforeseen times,
    Postponing judgment of reputable crimes

    In order to pluck a truer life
    Away to cause much greater strife.
    Deaths hand need pick more suitable fodder
    Instead of gripping at a much-cherished father.

    The wheels of time now cease to turn
    And of true hurt we all now learn.
    'Till the wheels begin to turn once more
    We'll forge onward in this uphill war.