• None of this was supposed to happen
    None of this was supposed to be
    It was supposed to be just you and me
    But things happened to us
    Things we couldn't Control
    Because of that we grew apart
    Till we broke apart
    I thought we would always be together
    But now we have both found someone else
    We are happy and love them dearly
    Yet you I will never lose from my mind
    You will always be in my thoughts
    Our feelings may have changed but it still changes nothing
    We will never forget one another
    With all that we went through
    Strived and worked and fought against
    We both had our faults
    Yet no one is to blame
    We know we still love one another but no longer the same way
    Our love has changed to that of family
    Lost is our love of wedding
    But will forever have one another
    Yet i cant help think of the past and how happy we were togther
    But things change and happen
    We both have a love for the new person we are with
    We feel it is more right then anything before
    Maybe we werent ment to be
    But your memories will never fade