• No more tears
    so wipre your eyes dry
    hold on dear
    its the end alright
    and the beginnings onlt just beginning
    So there's more to come
    but holding on as its begun

    Don't be afraid
    I'll be right here
    I'll hold your hand
    I'll be your friend
    Don't give up
    Thoguh they laugh
    They will never know your pain like i
    I know it huirts
    but darling when ist been you will be finer

    Crying wont help
    you're better than that
    don't wortry you won't fall flat
    I'll be here forever ,dear
    So smile and hold that pride
    you're the star in the night
    but guys like him wont understand
    he'll cry at night ,toss and turn in his sleep
    be thinking of you
    wondering if your home

    he will still love you
    but he gave up
    promise me you wont give up
    you're a gem , talented and young
    you'll live forever they will be jealous of you
    you be a queen in their dreams
    the one they bow down to
    the envy of their soul
    the one that full their aspiration
    and yet your tears may fall at night

    Make up wont hide the sorrow in your eyes
    the fake smiling wont work
    they know your a lie
    but relax ,chill back
    it will be fine
    Ill hold your hand

    Dont cry darling
    its not the end now
    its only his ego
    its his fault
    just hold