• I am so broken.
    So deeply jaded.
    All the thoughts unspoken,
    And insecurities created.

    I need away from here.
    I need to escape.
    It’s suppression I fear -
    Inability to take shape.

    Suicide lingers in my thoughts.
    I want for the pain to end.
    But I pride in stability I’ve wrought,
    And the advice I can lend.

    All the walls are falling down.
    My Barricades are failing.
    I hate this town,
    This insufferable thing.

    I need away from home.
    Away from this torturous hell.
    My tangles I must comb,
    Free myself from this dull spell.

    This I need more than anything.
    To be free from my abusers.
    I want what distance can bring,
    To get away from the accusers.