• I don't know what to do
    In this lonely world
    Why I'm the odd one out
    The thorn on the rose
    I always knew i was different
    but i never knew how much
    How can you look at me and stand the sight of
    The ugly monster that i am

    It's like torture looking in the mirror
    For just one second
    To see the b***h that I've become
    I hear you all talk behind my back
    My so-call friends
    But what else can i do except smile
    and pretend not to give a damn

    You think i like being this way
    The heartless b***h you all say
    But have you ever stopped to wonder why i'm the way i'm
    What sorrow i must have gone through
    To turn me into a monster you all hate
    But trust me when i say the feelings that
    you have for me cannot compare to the feelings that i have for myself

    Imagine waking up each day
    Hating the person that you are
    But worse knowing that you cant ever change
    Because trust me there are worst thing's
    than hating yourself
    There's the one thing that made you
    wake up in the morning in the first place