• I AM BACK biggrin
    by UC Poika

    Hello out there where the electrons flowed
    It is I. I am back you see. To write for you too.
    As from a great abyss though chained to a novel book
    With clouds in black coffee cups blue as the sky...
    Where vanity howls at icons that never showed
    In sites where little is dear and naught fond of you,
    And where every cranny leaves some schnook or crook
    There upon the earth a sneer or a smirk... but why?
    Why laugh? Why cry? Why swear or curse the Net?
    This world is, as the world's degenerates see,
    A place to make a killing and without killing yet!
    A place to let your mind hang in anonymity !
    But also I think, a place behind a mask,
    To be me, a fair and honest guy! A most burdensome task!