• Your prettier than me I'm prettier than you
    Yours may come in the shape of your body,
    Mines may come in my flawless face.
    Baby girl you find every flaw in yourself and every attribute in me,
    But just remember you have a quality I don't, your actually prettier than me.
    You may be popular and have all the boyfriends and I may just be a loner,
    But once the real me shines I'll out do you, because in actuality I'm far prettier than you.
    We look just alike, were identical twins, were exactly the same on the outside,
    She has something I like, she has something I want,
    My identical twin is prettier than me.
    Why do you hate this person?
    Just because in your mind you see how beautiful they are,
    Take a minute and look at yourself, but not just the outside, the inside too
    Take a look at the inside of this person you envy,
    Their outside may be perfection, but inside as ugly as you see yourself,
    And the complete opposite with you.
    So just remember you are prettier than me, but I will always be way prettier than you

    By: Asia A <3