• Graduations done
    The summers just begun
    We hang out everyday
    Not wanting it to end
    Any other way

    The days come and go
    Just like the winter snow
    Nothing has changed
    except for the heat
    of the summer day

    Then my birthday came
    And so did the summer rain
    We sat down out front
    laughing, talking and eating lunch

    But then the silence came
    the truth had come to say
    i'd be leaving in a couple of days
    a tear went down your face

    Weeks pass at a time
    and you begin to cry
    i come back home
    the pain still didnt go

    Now its my turn to cry
    as you say bye bye
    as you get in the car
    the tears come more and more

    i shout please dont leave
    and your mom turns the keys
    but you get out of the car
    and run to me

    we hug one last time
    and then we start to cry
    the minutes start to pass
    but your mom is wasting gas

    You say you have to go
    and all i say is no
    you start to walk away
    and i'm alone for the first time today