• Open your heart to the magic of the world.
    Open your heart to see the truth of life.
    Open your heart to hear the songs of nature.
    Open your heart to learn all that can be learned.

    There is more than meets the eye,
    hidden from the mundane.
    Those with open hearts can see all that is there,
    hidden from the mundane.
    Those with open hearts know all that is there,
    hidden from the mundane.

    With your heart hear the song;
    "We are all apart of one-another,
    for we are all the same."

    With your heart open feel the earth as it moves.
    With your heart open hear the melody of nature.
    With your heart open see the truth of life.
    With your heart open be free to be you.

    Open your heart to be true in life.
    Open your heart to be seen.
    Open your heart to be heard.
    Open your heart to be known.

    Open your heart and all shall be beautiful.