• Ever sat and looked back at your life?
    Ever let your mind wander and one person comes to mind?
    Your heart begins to ache as you wonder why.
    Why did you let go of the greatest thing that ever happened to you?
    This person was your whole world...
    but you were too foolish to realize that things in life were going to hurt you later.
    Things that that person could have protected you from...
    or helped you through those hard times.
    But you soon realize that it's been so long...
    so long since you've heard their voice,
    so long since you've felt their gentle embrace,
    so long since you said goodbye.
    So long that, there's no hope to make things right.
    No hope to ease the pain,
    no hope to ever have that happiness again,
    no hope in laughing,
    living... like you once did.

    So you sit there,
    too afraid to let go of the memories.
    You cling to those happy memories to get by in your personal darkness.
    You hold on to the heartache that threatens to kill you,
    the heartache that makes you suffer.
    You make yourself remember the awful thing you did...
    as punishment.
    And there's no hope for you to heal.