• Girl: Hey boy you want to can i till you a story?
    Boy: Sure i could use a good story...

    Girl: One day i came up with a funny poem i though it would be great to read for a contest :]
    Boy: Ok so whats the poem?

    You ever wonder why the sky is so blue and
    wonder why the pretty girl in the is looking at you funny?
    will as the clouds fly by with thier slow speed
    and the wind blows swiftly
    I though about somthing. . .
    Boy: why whats that?

    Girl: well i know a lot of people are going to hate me. . .
    Boy: Just say what you were thinking all ready
    Girl: ok ok sheez,
    will i know people are going to hate me and i do know the one i love is going to hate me for this to. . .
    but i'm really sorry. . .
    Boy: why are you so sorry?
    Girl: Becouse. . .
    Boy: Becouse why?
    GIrl: I just lost the Game. . .
    Boy: . . . .
    Girl: -as she giggles softly- sorry ;]