• The path of war is always the same,
    We tread on that same wayward stair,
    That stays within the same,
    Destructive game.

    The soul of war is never changed,
    Always constant,
    Vigilant in all its ways,
    Never surrendering,
    To the most endangered,
    Presence of despaired wills.

    To know your path,
    And to lead your soul,
    Instead of following,
    Would be a great sacrifice,
    To end the path of suffering,
    War has brought against the world.

    To gain the upper hand,
    Against the destructive,
    Endeavors that lead,
    To incredulous death,
    Would stop the unending,
    Thread of the great,
    Circle of death.

    Death holds no power,
    If we take away its reason,
    To steal away life would be treason.

    There is more to life than death,
    So live life and regret nothing,
    Forgive and forget,
    Learn to love eternal,
    And enjoy what you have left.